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  1. K

    A note from an educator

    @ministerval Of course! I hope you find a great pattern. Enjoy!
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    A note from an educator

    @ministerval Don't discount used too. Most of the carriers I've bought over the years have been used.
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    A note from an educator

    @ministerval I have never worn a baby facing out in 7 years of babywearing. You can do a back carry at this age and be so much more comfortable. I would get a standard Tula that will last you until well past 2. The free to grow is perfect for newborns and while it is as wide as a standard when...
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    A note from an educator

    @ministerval I've been wearing Tulas for almost 8 years. When I first got one it was the premier carrier. The happy baby of it's time perhaps lol. So I probably jumped on the bandwagon at first, but I've always found it comfortable for my body and love the patterns. I tended to wear for long...
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    A note from an educator

    @ministerval It's a good carrier. I own one. In fact I think I have had 3 colors of it at different times. I used it when my 3yo was about 4 months old until about 6 months I think. It was nice and cool in the summer. Is it the best carrier? There is no best. It's it pretty? Very. Is it worth...
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    A note from an educator

    @jesrdking If you are uncomfortable, yes. It's not dangerous as long as baby is in the carrier correctly.
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    A note from an educator

    @laura888 Baby should be in a seated position when forward facing. If you grab their thighs and rock the hips back s little this will help. Not all, in fact most, forward facing carriers aren't great for getting a good seated position. This is one of the things I like the Ergo 360 for though...
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    A note from an educator

    @teddy8765 Start with Facebook. Ask in parenting groups or search your city+babywearing. Most groups ended about 5 years ago though when the parent org went under.
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    A note from an educator

    @pelegrinus I don't know how up to date their database is, I'm guessing not very since I see an educator in my area who doesn't live here anymore, but The Center For Babywearing Studies is a good place to start. But I would look for a babywearing group in your area or parenting groups for your...
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    A note from an educator

    @katrina2017 You are doing so great with your Didymos! Jumping down the woven rabbit hole is so fun and addicting. I don't know how up to date their database is, I'm guessing not very since I see an educator in my area who doesn't live here anymore, but The Center For Babywearing Studies is a...
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    A note from an educator

    @seventhtrumpetnow LA is one of the few who made it through BWI disbanning
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    A note from an educator

    @cdaughtry Thank you for your kind words. I don't know how up to date their database is, I'm guessing not very since I see an educator in my area who doesn't live here anymore, but The Center For Babywearing Studies is a good place to start. But I would look for a babywearing group in your...
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    A note from an educator

    @goodusername Lol shit I'm totally going to get identified and need to drop this account. I am not into crabs and Bohs.
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    A note from an educator

    @shawnlo I miss the good old days. I don't like babywearing to feel like an exclusive club or so corporate. It used to be about small woman owned businesses and community. About common interest. I love that babywearing continues to be more and more mainstream, I just wish parents today could...
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    A note from an educator

    @foxmulder Thank you so much. Things have changed so much in the last 5 years and then the last 2 years ripped everything to shreds. I hope babywearing communities become a thing again. It has brought me a lot of comfort over the years. It's always great to meet other educators especially people...
  16. K

    A note from an educator

    @jonswater You seriously made me cry. Thank you.
  17. K

    A note from an educator

    @ginz77 Helping someone in person is seriously the best. New parents come in overwhelmed and sometimes scared. So many postpartum feelings. Talking about their needs, options, and trying things one by one until we find one that they love is the best. They leave smiling and I feel so satisfied...
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    A note from an educator

    @ginz77 I've always been a volunteer. I don't make any money from this. And I always love to talk about how I got into it and what is like. Most of the time is very rewarding.
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    A note from an educator

    @ginz77 Thank you for your kind words.
  20. K

    A note from an educator

    @cardboardhorder I love my catbird baby meh dai. It's one of the few carriers I may never sell. I bought it used for $30 like 5 years ago and just can't let it go.