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  1. R

    privacy for teenagers (15 y/o)

    @annum It's interesting that your folks have chosen the door lock as a non negotiable. It seems so minor. Hmmm.
  2. R

    Empty nest syndrome after 17DD decides she wants to live with her dad. Who am I now, if not a mom? WTH do I do with myself?

    @davidjgreen It sounds like you did a great job parenting. She seems like a happy, healthy kid who is expanding her horizons. That's our endgame! You did good. So this isn't a parenting teenage question so much as a human being question. Now, because you've done such a great job, once you...
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    My daughter failed 9th grade and I do not know what to do about it

    @farmerdex She will own her success or her failure. It might be the best $400 you ever spent.
  4. R

    What chores can I give my 15 year old daughter that will take about an hour?

    @chang Fifteen is tough. They can't work, they can't drive, and they are totally content with their electronic umbilical cord. Neurologically, they have a hard time seeing past themselves. I wish I had a great response to this, but I can tell you what I let go of: their room. I let the room go...