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  1. T

    Adult gymnastics!

    @camcraw I'm in Western Canada, so if that sounds close to you send me a DM! Otherwise check out r/adultgymnastics. It's small but there are some cool people in there doing cool stuff!
  2. T

    Adult gymnastics!

    @servantleader The team is specifically designed for all ages. I did rhythmic gymnastics as a kid, but was so little I don't remember much. I do have a little bit of adult dance u Der my belt which makes me feel ok about the choreo, but really, I have no experience. Last class I was like "Excuse...
  3. T

    Adult gymnastics!

    I am 17 weeks pregnant and joined my local adult gymnastics team!! C R A Z Y. It's actually gymnastrada, so I'm very happy to have the opportunity to focus primarily on floor work and strength building and not bar work or rings. YET. Now, before anyone starts warning me - one of my coaches...