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    All Things Rashy

    @brnicholas So you seem to be doing everything right except one thing. Bleach. You have to bleach your diapers to get rid of yeast, throw a cup into your main wash. You need to do this for every wash until the yeast goes away, typically 3 weeks. So keep using the creams and liners, give baby...
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    Y'all these BST groups are wild

    @rachel24 Yep! That's exactly what I tell my clients. Baby carries are like shoes, you wear them for different occasions and for different babies, even a different carrier for each stage of the same baby.
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    Y'all these BST groups are wild

    @nathilidou Babywearing and cloth diaper communities tend to be super obsessed with their "stashes". I have definitely been a victim of that. I have a large babywearing stash but I definitely don't have more than one of a certain brand like some people do.