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  1. B

    First 8 weeks I gained 9 lbs and then I lost 6 lbs in a few days after I started drinking more water. Don’t forget to drink a lot of water!

    @enigma42310 Had a similar experience! Gained at an average rate of 1.4lbs per week in my first trimester! (And I don't even have nausea or sickness to blame - I just wanted all the beige food!) Got my act back together (mostly!) in the second and only gained at a rate of 0.5lb per week...
  2. B

    Newly pregnant! Question(s) about nutrition, switching from low carb, new macros, etc

    @thegirlwiththeed I have no idea about trying to calculate macros during pregnancy, but I'd highly recommend reading Lily Nichols "Real Food for Pregnancy". She actually recommends staying with whole foods, and it tends to be on the lower carb side anyway. Might be a good transition for you.