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    Parents of iugr and preemie babies, how are y’ll doing?

    @catrinabrosko Not IUGR but nicu baby. She’s 15 almost 16 weeks now. Was born at 33 weeks. Was home by 34 weeks. Weighed 4.15. She is doing really well other than spitting up. I think it’s because she overeats. She still hasn’t gotten the cue that she is full. Most likely do the the NG tube...
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    What’s going on in there?🥺

    @michael2002pmc All normal pregnancy stuff. Baby is moving. Your muscles are loosening
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    Just the tip(s), please

    @emersonboi Cook with ghee, tablespoons of coconut oil and peanut butter help me. I have 6 kids and two dogs. So it’s not awakes easy for sure
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    Little guy won’t sleep at night

    @adesigner It’s a preemie thing. I say that as a mama of 6 preemies spanning 16 years. They grow out of it around 4/5 months usually
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    Is NICU follow up necessary when seeing a pediatrician a few times a year?

    @kimberly1988 I have 4 nicu babies. I have never once gone to a nicu follow up appt. If your seeing their pediatrician I don’t see the point
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    Just the tip(s), please

    @emersonboi For me it’s more calorie intake then amount of water. As long as I’m drinking throughout the day my supply doesn’t go down. If I don’t get enough calories that’s when I notice a dip
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    About to miscarry at 7 wks gestational age at home alone with a 2.5 yr old

    @chris_mil I’m so sorry. I miscarried alone with my 1 year old at 8 weeks pregnant. Make sure to keep your phone close. I lost a lot of blood and got very dizzy and almost passed out. Sit in the shower. And have your 2.5 year old set up with a tablet or something.
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    Cervix dilated at 27.5 w

    @itrustgod My cervix was dilated to 2cm at 27 weeks. I made it to 33 weeks. No hospital stay, running around with two toddlers. You never know. Some don’t go into labor for weeks some go the same day. You’re where you need to be.
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    @aleon My period never comes back until my kids are sleeping through the night. The same month bam. My period shows up. I’ve been breastfeeding for almost 3 years straight and always have lots of discharge.
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    Slacking on Vitamin D

    @mr_loevinger I’ve never done vitamin d or iron drops for any of my kids. Never been an issue. Out baby out in the sun for 10 mins a day.
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    Low supply

    @ephesians321 I would stop the fenugreek and take goats rue and brewers yeast instead.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @writtenword75 My oldest was so easy as well. Watched out dog go outside to pee one day and he was potty trained at 2. It was crazy .
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @denman I take tablets. Just easier for me.
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    My 3.5 year old refuses to use the big potty

    @writtenword75 My daughter was harder to potty train than my boys. She was ready at 2.5. But refused. I tried everything. Then a week after her 4th bday she decided enough was enough and she was potty trained 💯 day and night. Never had another accident. Maybe just give her some more time
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    Support Needed - Relactation Journey (Week 3)

    @denman What works for me is 1200mg of goats rue and brewers yeast. If my supply dips it works in a couple of days
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    NICU Massage: helpful or overstimulation?

    @kaferty I brought my 31 weeker home at 34 weeks last year and I messaged him every night before bed. He loved it. Definitely some do not. His older sister who was also 31 weeks home at 34 didn’t like it. You just have to follow their cues.
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    Did any of y’all lose weight AFTER weaning??

    @nith That’s the only time I do loose weight. More specific when I night wean.
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    After the NICU issues?

    @travelor65 I’ve had 6 preemies between 31-35 weeks the only one who wasn’t really grungy was my 6th. All the others were super grungy for a good while. But all grew out of it and have gone on to be healthy and you would never know they were born early.