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  1. W

    When did you stop tracking everything for baby (e.g., nursing sessions, wet/soiled diapers, sleep duration, etc.)?

    @christiangirl94 I couldn't keep up with it! We did it till we got the okay to not do it and not past that. I will say if I notice something seems off and I notice I am, say, changing less diapers or seeing less poop I will check with my husband to see if he's noticed the same and if he has we...
  2. W

    My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

    @christianlinkuk How cute! I'm going back to work soon and our son isn't a big fan of bottles (he exclusively breastfeeds) so we're planning to try him with open cup feeding hoping he'll take to it since he's been so big on cups and bottles lately. I ordered an ezpz tiny cup for him. Hopefully...
  3. W

    My baby is obsessed with watching me eat

    @antnf8900 Mine does this too! We've given him a couple tastes of food (well, okay, I mashed a blueberry and he loved it and then he licked a triscuit I was trying to eat and loved that too) but haven't officially started solids yet. We are in a couple of weeks. Fingers crossed it means they'll...