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  1. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @mmiranda I was definitely drawn to this group because of the “moderately” part. I am also a minimalist so I’m not one to create waste and spend money by getting rid of perfectly good items. It’s a balance for me My top 5 suggestions In no particular order: limit fragrances in in household...
  2. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

  3. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @mmiranda We consume 7-9mg of aluminum daily via food and water. From antiperspirant, one MIGHT absorb 0.004mg. Edit: Aluminum-containing salts (what’s in antiperspirant) are not elemental metal aluminum. I’m happy to provide links to sources once I check the subreddits rule about them
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    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @mmiranda Correct, but still no reason to demonize antiperspirant/aluminum salts. It’s the subject of so much fear mongering, partly based on inaccurate information about our bodily functions.
  5. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @mmiranda Just fyi, sweating isn’t meant for getting rid of toxins, your kidney and liver do that. We sweat to regulate our temperature
  6. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @jayrashman Yes, I figured a silicone set was at least still better than the 10+ year old of melting plastic utensils I had was 🥴 thanks for your insight!
  7. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @jayrashman Totally makes sense! I bought a silicone set off Amazon cause anywhere else is just so expensive, but I’ve always wondered how true the claim even is that they are 100% silicone
  8. O

    Top 5 things you’d recommend

    @jayrashman Are silicone utensils ok?