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  1. C

    With all the discussion regarding weight gain, would anyone like to be my friend on MyFitnessPal?

    @greg0ry Ha! I was just about to post when I saw you already called me out. You & everyone can feel free to add me, I'm kozinskey over there too and my food log is open to friends. I'm not using it super regularly right now, but I will join the group because I'm going to be tracking like a...
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    @melissabrunet Ugh, the bloat. It was horrible for me. I will say, though, I'm over here at 26 weeks and looking back on pictures of when I thought I definitely looked way pregnant from the bloat, I just have to laugh at my former self. If only I looked that (relatively) tiny these days!
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    Some More Scholarly Resources on Fitness and Pregnancy

    @amandanahas Bookmarking this! Thanks for compiling all of these sources!
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    UPDATE prenatal Down syndrome dx and in utero surgery (x posted)

    @tylerngo Aww she looks so cozy! I'm glad everything went well for you =) congratulations!!