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  1. C

    Has anyone got a mountain buggy urban jungle with carrycot plus?

    @neilhall Yes. It has been great. We also had a compatible car seat for the first 6 months. We also got a stand for the carrycot. LO slept in the carrycot for first 6 months of life. You will need to buy or make some additional sheets for the carrycot though, it only comes with one and it is...
  2. C

    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    @anonbeliever It's interesting that how I wrote didn't explicitly state why I want another baby. In some ways, the feeling of wanting a second is as powerful or more so than the feeling before I decided to try for number one. I have really enjoyed discovering and looking after LO, and want to be...
  3. C

    We have everything working smoothly now... should we rock the boat or be OAD?

    Our LO is 12 months old soon, and we are coming up to when we could, if we wanted, start trying again. (The 2 yr gap reccomended after a caesar). I turn 36 this year, so I wouldn't want to delay too long if that was the decision we made. My SO and I have perhaps slightly different reasons for...
  4. C

    Requesting help: Unavoidable weeklong travel away from 1 y.o

    @risto We were definitely a bit unusual, but I worked away from LO for 5 days per 4 weeks from 5 months old. Lo breastfed until just over 2. I think I stopped pumping while away when he was about 18 months, still had milk when I came home each time. Before that, I would pump every 6 hours. I...
  5. C

    Feeling nervous

    I feel this place will be supportive as I deal with a bit of hesitation as we approach trying again. DH (35) and I (37) have one son, just over 2. He is an amazing kid, so inquisitive and cheeky and loving, but also extremely high energy with a bit of a death wish. Typical boy I suspect. (But...