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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @icantthinkofausername Wtf that’s horrible
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    Breastfeeding exclusively 3-6 month old infant while WFH

    @jesusishere Yep, same!
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    Factors that helped you decide?

    @walid373 Is the travel issue about resetting the clock back to having a newborn, or about two children being harder to travel with than one child forever (or alternatively the financial aspect of another child vs travel)? There’s definitely going to be a crossover age where two are easier than...
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    Why I'm quitting

    @jbrauhn Damn, I would still be on leave…
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    Do I have PPD/PPA or am I sleep deprived?

    @theseeker4 Also a mom who couldn’t figure out if it was sleep deprivation or PPA and started Zoloft a month ago. My baby is teething right now and has very few long stretches of sleep, but when given the opportunity to fall back asleep I am now able to do so, and it started a virtuous cycle...
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    Why I'm quitting

    @chadstick I worked until 5 pm both times and both my babies were born in the wee hours the next morning. They were very cooperative.
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    Should we have a third?

    @callum7430 It sounds like your heart is telling you pretty strongly to have a third.
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    Reasons for having another child?

    @jonwalter Everyone thinks that until they have another :)
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    Should we have #2 at 40M/37F with a 7 year old?

    @ibelongtojesus777 This is a beautiful portrait of siblinghood.
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    Reasons for having another child?

    @hktm16 We liked our first child so much we thought we should make another one.
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    I’m not ruining my 4.5 month old baby’s attachment to me, am I?

    @trapper125 My first was not at all like this and now my second baby is. It’s very hard to endure. But I can assure you, you are not ruining any attachment. I actually thought with my first that she just didn’t care about me that much? She seemed way more bonded to my husband when she was a...
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    5.5 month old used to sleep through the night, now waking constantly

    @shawntavia Ha, we are going to our ped tomorrow because my 5.5 month old wakes up/cries every time she’s flat on her back for the last few days. Meaning she will only really sleep in my arms. No other major signs though beside that - no recent fever and only a very small cold. But I’m feeling...
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    A matter of when not if…

    Just wanted to add that it’s kind of nuts about your state not letting you carry the children (if you were indeed interested in doing that). If my partner could take a turn being pregnant and potentially nursing, that would be an enormous game changer.
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    1 or 2

    @jeanne7 Haha I’ll just say that they don’t necessarily wake each other up as much as you’d think BUT if they wake up separately, you wake up twice as often! We have a 3 year old and 6 month old and it’s definitely really hard some days but mostly awesome and rewarding. And I keep telling myself...
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    A matter of when not if…

    @leah_talbot Our gap is 2.75 years and I think it’s the closest I’d go personally. A lot of friends of mine have gaps from 18 months to 2 years and I think the only situation in which I’d advocate that is if you’re older and time is running out. Our daughter is old enough to be left unsupervised...