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  1. J

    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @mary_1019 Well it's also nothing else but your own experience. Studies can in fact be discussed too that's just how science work and everyone can make their own conclusions with the facts. Everything I have read so far pointed that crying out is not necessary at best and potentially harmful in...
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @ihavenoname I used "alarmed" because it had been used by another commenter and I did feel it was rather dramatic too. But in other words yeah it feels pretty fucking weird to me to see so many people defending the crying out method as a valid way to parent. Besides there was nobody to help on...
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @ihavenoname Well if people can actually read (and I believe they do even if they are impressionable new parents) they will see that it is in fact only my opinion and every one has one and they can do what they please with it. I have repeated the same things a few times now so I am abandoning...
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @dreamylala I don't know how to convey the idea that it feels like neglect to ME but may not be for others and I don't have a problem with that. I did say various times that parents may have valid reasons to attempt it. It's just like eating meat can feel like a horrible thing TO ME but that...
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @iqoretyby Well 30 mins already is a very long time to be crying without getting any response... Also depending on the method, parents can be instructed to leave their kids to cry it out for hours and hours. The thing with sleep training is that you never actually train your kid to sleep. You...
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    Neighbor’s child crying for hours in the early morning. Is this normal?

    @ampersandman I do feel like it is neglect and it has been proven by neuroscience that leaving a child crying alone for a long period of time actually affect their brain. I could never do it with my kid. Never have. YET not all parent are properly educated on the matter, some kids have more...