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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @michaelprinzo Exactly. I know my son and what makes him tick. I can usually predict how he'll react. And I'm his parent, so I feel comfortable stepping in and correcting his behavior. I can say none of that for kids that are not my own.
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    Baby #2 Posts

    @debbs3692 I wouldn't look down on yourself for feeling maxed out with one while others are having multiple kids. First of all, most parents of multiples are stressed the heck out, but would never admit it publicly. Many of us on this sub originally thought we'd have more than one, but we...
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    Sometimes I get sad

    @arbin I hope you are able to see someone soon! It sucks that there is a lack of mental health services when people need them so badly.
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    Unicorn baby solidified OAD

    @samanthaadams It makes me super nervous to watch other people's kids, lol. I'm so used to being responsible for only DS, I feel anxious when I have more to look after. My hat definitely goes off to parents of more than one.
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    Sometimes I get sad

    @arbin Even the right decision can be a difficult one. The reality of having a baby is often very different from what parents think it will be, too. For me it was like "I love this so much why would I not want to do this again?" But we also knew that realistically it wasn't in the cards for us...
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    Help me think through this "silly" worry? [vacations + OAD not by choice]

    @kosherinchrist We love being on vacation as a family of three, but we enjoy going places with other families, too. In October we are renting a beach house with a family we are friends with, and in December we are going on a cruise with my SIL, her family, and another family of mutual friends...
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    Why do I feel sad about not having another baby, when I know that I don’t want one?

    @hatterasmom3 It is absolutely normal and valid to have mixed emotions about being OAD, even if you are 100% solid in your decision. You are still allowed to grieve for the picture of what you thought you wanted for your family, even if you acknowledge that the reality would likely be vastly...
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    Gun violence

    @j90 This is a serious fear of mine, too. I worry about anything tragic happening to our son. After my FIL (who was a real piece of work) died, DH found a loaded gun in an unlocked drawer in his office. I was beyond livid and ready to cut off all contact with MIL, even though FIL was already...
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    I need a safe place to vent regarding the decision to be OAD and my Dr not supporting me fully

    @vash07 I'm sorry you didn't feel supported. Check out r/childfree. They have a list of doctors who will perform sterilization (vasectomies and bisalps) without doubting you.
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    For those of you who had options, what made you pick the SAHP life?

    @hew0007 For context, I'm a registered nurse. I hated working in the hospital. I lost my desire to be a career mom when I graduated college and started working in the real world. I enjoyed what I did for work and found it fulfilling, but I quickly became disillusioned with the state of...
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    Success Story

    @nguyenviet92 Wow, great job! How did you occupy the 4-year-old during your gyno appointment? There's no way my kiddo wouldn't have been curious what was going on, lol.
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    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    @kwildson I'm very sorry your birth experience didn't go as planned. You don't need to justify your decision to be OAD to anybody, but a traumatic birth experience is a completely valid reason. Children need happy, healthy, present parents more than they need siblings.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @apor2017 Thank you for making library time fun for families. The children's librarian at our library is wonderful! I started taking DS to the library for story hour when he was 6 months old. Now he is 10, and we still go to our library to check out books. Each time we come in the librarian...
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    Who here has a mediocre relationship with their sibling(s)?

    @ernesjohnson Less than mediocre. We haven't spoken at any point this century.
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    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    @galiaw Yes, you are absolutely correct. Nobody else's opinion matters.
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    One and done by choice slash medical but this is not enough for some ppl

    @lambrini Most of our friends and family know what we went through to have our only, and that for us, it's not a matter of choice. But I've learned to ignore the opinions of those whose lives will not be impacted by our family building decisions (everyone but DH and I). My favorite line are "We...
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    All reasons are valid

    @bellaaa Oh my, she is a gracious person for responding that way. People can be so idiotic!