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    Should I get bloodwork done to find out the gender Y or N?

    @asupersquirrel We loved finding out early. It was included with some other highly recommended screening so we said why not. I don’t know that it would have been worth an additional expense.
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 I recommend the app, even if it’s not weekly. sending out a couple big baskets to get caught up is well worth it. I can’t do it myself. I do other things to save us $ to be able to swing it.
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    Walk me through your laundry routine! I’ll start

    @ava1453 Once a week, I text a local lady who is a laundry magician. She picks it up, washes it, dries it, folds it, and delivers it back within 36 hours or so. I pay her $1/ lb. It’s about $50 a week for a family of three and two dogs and worth every penny. I found her on the Poplin app, and...
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    Seeking advice from people who “moved home” to be close to family

    @gypsysoule How is it when you visit? Does it feel like going home or does it feel like visiting
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    Seeking advice from people who “moved home” to be close to family

    @gypsysoule When I lived 8 hours away from my folks they didn’t visit. Said I lived too far. They travel regularly for leisure both domestic and internationally but a 90 minute flight was too much. Okay, whatever. We had no desire to live where they do, it’s not “home” for me, just where they...
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    R.I.P. THE TABLET 2020-2020

    @lcr0111 Bahahahahha omg. That’s so funny. I’m sorry you’re having a rough day but it’s being expertly and hilariously recounted
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    R.I.P. THE TABLET 2020-2020

    @lcr0111 I am upgrading our tablet soon. I was strongly considering trading it in but I think I’ll keep it as a backup for when I inevitably do the exact same thing. Thanks for the laugh, and takin one for the team!
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    Freaking out about canning

    @3angels No problem- also a note about the lid- I forget mine all the time. If it’s covered with plenty of water it’s no problem, it just gets the kitchen real steamy and boils off a lot more than is necessary if you’re doing a bunch of batches
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    Freaking out about canning

    @3angels Jams and jellies tend to be extremely safe. Same with pickles and other high acid foods. As long as it pops, looks normal, smells normal the risk is very, very low. If you’re canning meats and low acid foods, that gets a little more complicated, and should be pressure canned not water...