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    Feeling alone in not sleep training

    @mariet9 I don’t know, I think it’s fair game to judge someone that lets their baby cry/scream for 60-90 minutes and will only go into the room during that time frame if the baby vomits from distress (but won’t make eye contact or comfort them, will only clean/change them in the most mechanical...
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    I don’t have a mom or a lot of family. Give me some motherly advice and tips about my first born

    @madscribbler Hi! I have a 4 month old Velcro baby :) I absolutely adore her. While it’s tough, I’m enjoying every contact nap and giving her all the comfort she needs because it won’t last long. Soon she’ll be a confident, independent toddler who doesn’t need me as much. My advice to you...
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    Glass bottles keep cracking

    @pokerfaceblonde We use the glass avent bottles and put them in a bowl of hot water to warm the milk, they’ve never cracked. They take a bit to warm up because the glass is thick but the bottles are great!
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    OAD by choice - when did you/your S.O. get a vasectomy?

    @jenny777 My husband got his done when our daughter was 9 weeks old! No regrets and now we don’t have to worry about an oops baby once we’re intimate again since I still haven’t gotten my period at 14 weeks PP.
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    haakaa question

    @novihartanti I have both! I love the Hakka, it sucks milk out so it can create an oversupply but it’s nice to use to get a freezer stash going! The lady bug is also great but it only catches the milk that leaks out anyways. If you get the Hakka, don’t use it every nursing session like I did lol
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    Overeating if not bed sharing

    @mary7 Do you eat the exact same amount of food every day or does it vary? Are you more hungry some days than others? So is your baby. I wouldn’t police OZ that your baby drinks because your baby is a human with changing needs. Please follow your baby’s hunger cues and feed her when she is...