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  1. J

    Reassurance, please! Test progression question

    @renwei Even with as sensitive as they are, FRER tests won’t show a positive until 2-3 days after implantation, so a positive at 11 dpo means implantation was likely at 8-9 dpo. With my first, I didn’t get a positive until 12 dpo, and that was a perfectly healthy pregnancy (my doctor used the...
  2. J

    Your honesty please! FRER progression and stalling tests?

    @renwei Thatt progression looks perfectly normal. HPTs are qualitative, not quantitative. They only measure if the hcg is above a certain level, not what the actual level is. The dye levels are inconsistent in the tests, and so is the amount of hcg present in urine due to so many other factors...