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    No preschool?

    @lizzieb90 My daughter who is 4 goes to school half days M-F . It’s only 15 hours a week. She’s made loads of friends , learns so much, she absolutely loves it. I’d be a crappy homeschool teacher and she wouldn’t get enough socialization nap trapped with me and the baby. When we all go out...
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    Is what I am doing when I am sick wrong? My wife seems to think so

    @disguisedlamb Your wife should have taken off work if you were that sick. You didn’t do anything wrong. You are a person who deserves a sick day ( and you didn’t even have that!) I have been too sick to care for my kids a handful of times over the last few years ( norovirus … woof) and my...
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    What do you do to keep yourself sane?

    @mikeytosh Join a book club! I’ve gotten really into reading lately and it’s been great. Also find some mom and baby classes. Great for socializing and making friends
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    How would you respond to this?

    @ladel Totally agree. This is definitely on the parents and needs to be fixed . If both parents are home in the morning too there’s even less excuse. Each parent can get a big kid ready . Baby is basically along for the ride at that point and is easy.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @capriccio Memberships to zoos and kids museums are key. Playgrounds are free , story times at libraries are free ( libraries actually have TONS of kid friendly activities). Park districts have affordable classes too
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    Today I hate being a SAHP

    @ajewelinhiscrown I’m sorry your wife is a raging asshole! Stand up for yourself. Say NO. If she wants these things to happen so bad she can do them herself ( play dates and s’mores … with sick kids???) My husband is great but us SHAP need to advocate for ourselves . I definitely put my foot...
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    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman I would pass on the coop just for that reason haha. It’s a lot to manage !!!! My daughter went to school MWF 9-12 ! It was perfect . And close to home is amazing if you’re trying to coordinate naps schedules with the baby. Or if you’re just running late 😜. My daughters school is a...
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    Help! Pre-k decision for toddler, second baby on the way

    @ccmrockman I’d do 9-1 M-Th . Eventually baby will be taking nice long morning nap so you really can get a decent break. Also the walk is great: if they feed lunch definitely 100% do it Also, does co-op have a lot of parental involvement ? I just had my son last May , and I was so busy and...
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    Preschool options with new baby on the way

    @lynq Also next year three year old will be four right ? She will love having a full day of fun and friends vs being nap trapped all afternoon with the baby. My kids are 1 and 4.5 right now and my daughter goes 5 mornings a week. I’d love for her to go like 5 mornings with three afternoons cause...
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    Preschool options with new baby on the way

    @lynq If your husband can do drop off , I’d go with the three mornings a week option. But if you’re on the hook for all drop offs , I’d absolutely switch to the closer one. Your baby will be in the car for at least an hour a day with the current school and it will suck. And that doesn’t include...
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    After baby workouts

    @tarina Can you change daycare to where your husband works or to where you live ? He starts a lot later , and then one of you can have the am slot and one of you can have the pm slot . Otherwise , I would try to workout on your lunch break if possible or after baby goes to bed. Or workout in...
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    Yoga for 3rd tri - but not ‘mild stretching pregnancy yoga’???

    @bakersh3 I just did regular yoga and modified on whatever wasn’t working for me. Literally did yoga the day before I delivered . I also did 95 degree classes and the occasional 105 . Your studio cannot ban you from practicing even in heat. It’s discrimination. Don’t be afraid to just show up...
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 How many hours is your child in school? Honestly at first I was like WTF , but then I noticed your child is at school. It’s it’s full time school id say yeah he definitely should get some downtime on the weekend for sure. That seems fair. Especially since your cleaning and...