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  1. B

    Q+A Part 1: The Basics

    @onlycurious Hahaha it's so sad! I can understand it okaaaaay but I can't speak it back. I really want to learn though! Maybe that'll be something to distract myself from babies with 😂😂😂
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    Q+A Part 1: The Basics

    @bernard222 Oh yay! Splitting it into parts was so smart! I'm 20 and my husband is 25. We've been together for almost four years and married for about five months. My husband is a software engineer. I'm currently a stay at home wife. My husband plans to continue with his current job for the...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @andraus I'm a firm believer of this as well! There are a few trips we want to take before kids (by we I mean my husband.) Overall, I don't think I'll have any trouble switching from a "couples" trip to a "family" trip. Will I be able to go to Punta Cana and get absolutely trashed and sit by the...
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    Q+A Part 3: Fur babies!

    @bernard222 Well my husband and I have four dogs and two cats but my parents with us and they have three dogs and two cats. So that's a grand total of seven dogs and four cats for those counting! (Yes, they're all fixed, have their shots, as well as heart worm and flea meds. We didn't mean to...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 Oh wow that's crazy! I'm 20 but all of my friends are in the 23-24 range and my husband's (25) friends are 25-30. We're the only ones that have gotten married so far! No one else is even engaged yet. Luckily all my friends are super for me having a baby. They're all wanting to be...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 I'll be the first of my friends to have a baby so I have no frame for reference at this point! Only stories I've heard from family members.
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 Hahaha so true! Maybe all of this worry is just completely unnecessary and everything will be easy. Or at least easier than we expect it to be!
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 Oh wow! I totally understand being afraid you'll the one to have issues. Hopefully that's just an irrational worry though! My mom has PCOS and tried for seven years to get pregnant with me. She had to have fertility treatment but then accidentally got pregnant with my little...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 I feel you on the fear of MCs! I was supposed to be a twin but she miscarried. I didn't find that out until I was 16 and I've been terrified of MC ever since.
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @lissieee That's what I think I'm going to do! Plus maybe I'll figure out some of my own thoughts on the subject as I write it down. Ugh! Cancer is the worst! My mom had the exact same kind but luckily the treatment had gotten a lot better so it didn't damage her body near as much.
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @lissieee I think you're right. My mom (who I literally go to with everything) also thinks it's justified but has been staying the freak out of it. I definitely agree I need to talk to him. I guess I've been putting it off because I know I definitely need to do it in a somewhat rational manner...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @lissieee To use your pattern, first I'm sorry about your grannies too! It really sucks when they aren't doing well. And cancer suuuuucks!!! Secondly, I have but I'm not sure I've made it clear how much of a desperate situation it is to me. I'm kind of afraid to? He's already moved it up a...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @jesusismyking2023 I'll do the same for you! 😊
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @jesusismyking2023 He might! It sounds like a good plan to me! I feel like we have a teensy bit of the opposite problem? We just got through buying a house and my husband pretty much did all the work for it. (My name isn't on the loan since I don't make money so I couldn't help much besides...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @jesusismyking2023 It's maddening isn't it? Part of me feels like there's no harm done and the other part of me feels like I'm going insane. THIS! Hasn't everything that's happened since we started dating been "us time?" Sometimes I swear he's going backwards. Right now he's really into...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @dorsettmm Oh how fun! I love Disney! It's where I went a lot as a kid. My husband has never stayed in site so I'm really looking forward to going with him.
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @lindalee1456 I'm so sorry to hear about her being in and out of the hospital. That sucks so much! Yes! It just sucks so fucking much because of it were up to me I would move up the timeline by at least a year or more. She would be able to see them unless something absolute awful happened. But...
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    Q+A Part 2: WTT

    @bernard222 We're waiting because of my husband. There's a few other little reasons but basically my husband says he isn't ready. He wants more "us time." I guess we've been waiting... since we got engaged? That's about the time my baby crazy started. Winter 2019! If I had my way we would...