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  1. S

    How often/long are you at the hospital?

    @ninkies I lived 7 minutes away from the hospital where my daughter was when she was born. I went there twice a day for 1-2 hours at a time (on the longer end when we could hold her, as we couldn’t for the first 6 weeks). When I wasn’t at the hospital, I was working (saved my leave for when she...
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    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @jsw3883 So my daughter had a bottle aversion after she got home (we were over feeding her, insisting she finish bottles when she wasn’t hungry, etc because we were still in NICU survival mode). To combat that, we offered her bottles every 3 hours and let her drink them or not. If not, we would...
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    First pregnancy : Am I the only one that has periods of doubt and fear that I'll miss my pre-child life?

    @lumpyspaceprincess Yes! I am 38 and just gave birth about 3 weeks ago. I mourned my pre-child life throughout my pregnancy. I was on the fence about wanting kids until I was 32. The thing that I always turned to (and still do even now!) was that I KNEW what childfree life looks like. And my...
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    Tight hip flexors postpartum

    @alysson Nothing. Daily stretching has helped considerably in terms of overall tightness, but I’m still nowhere near where I was pre-delivery in terms of flexibility.
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    Ongoing difficulty bottle feeding

    @whalstib Have you used simethicone (gas drops) or gotten a Pepcid prescription? My 29 weeker is on 27kcal and would be starving, but screaming in pain at eating. Turns out she had horrible reflux and gas pains. One dose of each and she started eating like a champ again - probably enough to drop...
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    Tight hip flexors postpartum

    I’m 7 months postpartum (c-section delivery) and I’ve found my hip flexors are INCREDIBLY tight. Before delivery I was able to do a butterfly stretch with my knees touching the ground and now I can barely get them down to 8 inches off the ground. Anyone else experience this? I am working out 5...
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel thanks! just edited!
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    Tell me your stories of your 28-30 weekers

    @kimhimmel Edit: Thanks for the nudge! My daughter (singleton) was born 29+5 at 955g I was admitted to labor and delivery after a routine NST at 29+2 with suspected gestational hypertension. Within an hour, my blood pressure was stroke-risk level. I had severe, sudden preeclampsia. I was put on...