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  1. D

    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @nathanstrong You got to nip that in the bud. I had a football coach in highschool that got me to never say the word again. I grew up and went to an inner city school so the N-word had meant nothing to me until then. He was black and shared with us his experiences growing up being called that...
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    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @honza I may be confused because I read it that they are saying The N-word and not just saying N-word to each other.
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    Kids are dropping the N-Word

    @beebert Did you read the entire post? He goes on to say his kids are literally saying the N-word and not noob as he mentions earlier.
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    I just survived six days camping with my daughter (7)!

    @hemispheres 6 days? That's awesome to hear she had fun out there that long. I have three girls ranging from 6 to 12 and I've always been tentative of planning a camping trip for more than one night. We're going for our first two night stay on the beach this month and I'm super stoked. I'm...