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  1. B

    6 week old absolutely inconsolable unless he’s eating or sleeping.

    @gtasoldier Mine did the same - horrible reflux, gas sounds of a 40 year old man that just inhaled a can of beans, crying in pain and constant projectile spit up episodes. Was never happy unless eating or sleeping. Started out breast feeding and formula and eventually were so desperate to help...
  2. B

    6-8 Week Hell

    @trusted489 I vividly remember how horrendous I felt in those early weeks and it would enrage me when I read things like “it gets better” because it seemed so hard to believe at the time when we were in the thick of it. It is true though. The newborn phase absolutely sucks and it isn’t talked...
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    6-8 Week Hell

    @trusted489 I recommend you get a snoo but don’t buy it at full price. Either rent one or get it second hand. It was a lifesaver for us. My son absolutely refused to sleep in a regular bassinet or crib. I also recommend you sleep in shifts. If you have an extra room with a bed, split your nights...