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  1. N

    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @hemispheres You also by your own admittance saw the rating, and didn't think 'maybe there is a reason its rated that way' and instead just took your kids anyway. It's irresponsible. And I hope this was a lesson for next time. I mean, that sounds like you are saying they tricked me
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @hemispheres I feel like this is your fault. It didn't looked advertised as a kids movie. The movie was rated pg 13 and you brought 2 younger kids. What did you expect? This doesn't seem far from the parent bringing their toddler to see Deadpool. Maybe look into the movie before you go watch it...
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @mamabear2000 I'm not 'hating'. It's irresponsible. He even said he knew the rating ahead of time. Still brought his younger kids. If a movie is rated too high for your kids, the absolute least you can do before going is to look it up. It literally takes 5 seconds.
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    dad’s review of new Barbie movie

    @only2memberfamily You don't need to follow anything. Just look something up quickly before bringing little kids. Hell, he didn't even have to look, the rating of the film was multiple years higher than his kids age