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    Hi y’all, is anyone one and done due to health? I’m falling apart postpartum

    @laurencesantos I have Maythurners syndrome where the artery in my left leg presses down on the vein and makes me a high risk for DVT. I had a major one in my late twenties which is how I was diagnosed. I had to be on injections of a blood thinners throughout my pregnancy and it was not fun. I...
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    Is the preschooler age supposed to br this exhausting/what am I doing wrong?

    @laurie4321 Unfortunately yes I have heard 3 year Olds called threenagers and the 4th year called the F you fours. I don't know about f you but my 4 year old daughter is exhausting and not only a social butterfly but a massive chatter box.I l love her but a little quiet would be nice. I am...
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    No free time, no social life. No more. Wife disagrees

    @wisdomandlove You two need couples therapy asap. In the meantime tell your wife to give it until your son is in preschool.
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @pastor_rob No advice just sympathy from the mom of a preschooler who has only slept through the night once. Now we transferred my now almost 4 year old to her own twin bed several months ago but I end up sleeping with her when she wakes sometime between 12 and 3. She also likes to insist we go...
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    My 2 year old niece is mean to my 8 month old baby

    @regret_living As another poster said she is two and they don't develop a true sense of empathy until about 5. She also has no impulse control so can't stop herself. It is good your sister is stopping her as it will protect your baby. We are dealing with my 3 year old and not pulling cat tails...