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    When did you get excited “again”?

    @galdrun Have you started feeling movements yet? I didn’t until maybe 19 weeks, but feeling her kick made me excited again (and reminded me that she is actually in there).
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    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    @socialism Thanks. My PT is great and just returned from maternity leave too, so I know she’ll understand what I’m going through.
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    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    @riet This is good to know. You’re right, though, walking the same distance that I’ve been running takes so long.
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    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    @tavares Thanks. I’m a FTM and have been so committed to running for years. It’s hard to allow myself to give myself a break unless others are telling me I should.
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    Is walking good enough if I can’t run anymore?

    I’m honestly probably just looking for reassurance. I’m 21w pregnant and have suddenly started getting a sharp pain in my right hip whenever I run. I’m so bummed about this becausee I pictured myself running throughout my whole pregnancy and I love running so much. I can still walk fairly...
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    How do y’all do it??

    @stephenk I feel you. I ran my 5th marathon right before getting pregnant and qualified for Boston for the second time. Now I’m running the slowest and shortest I have in my life and about half as often. It doesn’t excite me to run when I feel like garbage
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    Running so much slower!

    @viro8999 Thank you! I think I’ll keep with it, but need to stop pushing myself into running at a pace that makes me uncomfortable. Run/walks sound nice right now.
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    Running so much slower!

    @miralha I have pretty much been skipping long runs. Anything over 5 miles is killing me right now.
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    Running so much slower!

    @jshollinger 100% I run for my mental health too. I don’t feel the same with my runs being so tough. Running used to make me feel strong. It is reassuring to know so many others are experiencing this.
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    Running so much slower!

    @khazarian1 Sorry you’re experiencing this too! But also glad that I’m not the only one.
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    Running so much slower!

    @robingood This so reassuring!
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    Running so much slower!

    @psyduck25 Thank you!
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    Running so much slower!

    @psyduck25 When rucking, how much weight are you carrying? I’ve never done it before.
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    Running so much slower!

    @psyduck25 Oh I haven’t even considered rucking! Great idea.
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    Running so much slower!

    I’m 14 weeks pregnant and running had gotten so much less enjoyable for me. Prior to getting pregnant, I was running 6-7 days a week close to 75 mpw. I used to have no trouble running long distance and qualified for Boston twice. Recently, I haven’t been able to run faster than a 9:30 pace...