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  1. C

    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames Correlation does not imply causation--just because you started having irregular cycles around the time you received the vaccine does not mean that the vaccine caused the cycle issues. There is no evidence that the vaccine causes prolonged effects on the menstrual cycle. Hypothyroidism...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames As you are new to this, I think reading the wiki could be very helpful. No, I wouldn't be worried about cycles of different lengths with varying days of bleeding (within reason). Flow can vary from cycle to cycle. I think you're a bit mixed up about how to label cycles...? The 1st...
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    Our RE just made me feel like we are "barren"...completely shocked and a little lost

    @deojames Having a cycle every 27-35 days is not irregular cycling. Even if you usually have a 28 day cycle, having one cycle be 27, one be 30, one be 34, etc. is within the realm of normal. The follicular phase can vary, so you can ovulate on day 14 one cycle and than day 18 the next. This is...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @newreborn It's L shaped. Trust me, I'm aware of pretty much everything that's supposed to help motion sickness at this point. Motion sickness is highly genetic. My husband was like my son as a child. Even as an adult, he still suffers from it, although he rarely vomits now. 2 of my nephews on...
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    update on my situation

    @treeofglory1 You should not expect to see bleeding at regular intervals if you are taking birth control continuously (with no break or no placebo pills). In fact, many women purposefully skip the placebo pills for preciously this reason, to skip their "periods." "Periods" is in quotes because...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @gradstudent19 I can count on 1 hand the number of trips that he hasn't thrown up. (So 8/10 times, not every time if we are being precise...we started using medication a few months ago which seems to help a bit). We live in a European city where many things are within walking distance or...
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    Y'all these BST groups are wild

    @bornagain95 Or navy blue, that's my go-to because I'm too pale to wear black haha. :)
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @pulickalbrothers You've only had 2 puke incidents in the past few months?! Lucky you, haha. My 2.5 year old throws up every single time we get in the car (this started sometime around 1 year for him as well). I'm not comfortable switching him to forward facing until he maxes out the...
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    F-tube down, I repeat, we’re an f-tube down

    @janeenjoy It's not that we doctors "can't be bothered." The conditions chosen for screening are very carefully selected based on a vast number of criteria, it's a complicated, specialty level or health care system level decision (and not an individual doctor decision). If we screened for every...
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    Anyone turn FF earlier than they hoped due to motion sickness?

    @lightnow23 FF = forward facing (car seat) RF = rear facing