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    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    @obelex Us too! And OP too! There is a reason they are so popular.
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    My 2.5 year old is a DICTATOR and it’s hurting our relationship

    @onlyjesus316 Don’t ask him: “Please this” or “please that.” It’s not a request. Tell him what YOU are going to do.
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    Sibling gender (biological sex at birth)?

    @drita It would probably only make sense to count the “male” line though (kids of male cousins who are sons of brothers), at least for this x/y chromosome ratio in the sperm question. Separately I have read that some women have more acidic or basic vaginas that are more conducive to the...
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    A reminder about our rules on asking for medical advice

    @wypimom2 Great rules. Thanks for the reminder!
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 Good luck!! The first night we did it was the first night she rolled onto her tummy to sleep, and I learned that she likes her back scratched harder than I would have expected and for lullabies to be sung slowly in a breathy whisper. I had become dependent on nursing her to sleep too! I...
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    My baby won’t sleep and I’m at the end of my rope

    @pz128 Hey mama. It’s ok to refuse to nurse to sleep every 45 minutes for a 6 month old. We had some similar challenges (admittedly not quite as bad). Your baby can learn a new way and your instincts are right that it will include some crying. I would not go straight to crying alone in her crib...
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 For back wearing, definitely. I believe you can wear it on the front with small young babies, but the baby’s head would not be supported like in a Solly wrap - you would need to put a hand on baby’s head if you lean forward as in many SSCs with smaller babies. Maybe others can chime in.
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    If I dislike the waistband of a SSC, will I dislike a half buckle?

    @rainy214 If you don’t like a waistband, I would try a ring sling or onbuhimo.
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    Anticipating the nauseous stage

    @tangdalun I only ever got nauseous if I let my blood sugar drop. Lots of little snacks and was able to work out pretty normally during first tri; second tri is when it started to change with abs getting distended and not able to be used as much (and getting winded more easily).
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart I totally get it! I do think some distance and letting her fuss for a few minutes is key (not cry hysterically mind you…but my baby “wakes” and makes moaning and fussing noises for a minute or two and then rolls over and goes back to sleep. It’s long enough that when she share...
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    18 month old STILL won’t sleep and I’m at breaking point. Desperately seeking advice

    @brh1989 Can you share more about your experience? What did the first few nights of pick up, put down go like?
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    Decreasing number of night feeds while cosleeping

    @southern_at_heart The most success I had while cosleeping was looking at my watch/phone and keeping her awake for a full feed (10m on each side, for us - 20m total) each time. I would jostle her and talk to her to keep her awake for the full 20 minutes. I found that when she would snack - have...
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    Daycare questions- what’s normal?

    @clay9000 Definitely ask for what you want, mama!
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    Is my 15 month old behind?

    @doxterrr More than normal - with that many words he’s advanced.
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    What’s wrong with my routine

    @nsummer12 Changing her diaper seems weird to me. Why does she need this at midnight-2am? I wouldn't even do water unless she asked for it. Maybe time to drop the nap? It's early but not unheard of, yeah? I know it's rough but I would wake her up on time at 8am, and if you do let her nap...
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    nursing tank recs (to replace old amazon buys...)

    @shiney77 I have a bodily one and don’t find the elastic too tight.
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    Babybay original or maxi?

    @s4christ European site says original is good to ~9 months and maxi to ~1 year if I recall correctly.
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    F the cult-like following of certain carrier brands (Happy Baby)

    @obelex I bought Java, it was in stock months after their last “restock” — and feel the same way.