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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 It actually did get to the point where I told him if things persisted the way they did I was going to have to take it to court. I told him if he wasn’t going to protect our children then I would have to. They didn’t argue for a couple months but the last time they did with the kids...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 And his last relationship was an absolute mess she was crazy jealous and insecure and made his life and our kids life hell. My youngest is in counseling bc of that relationship. They fought constantly and she would kick him and the kids out all the time and would call the police on...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 I hope he does get that chance, he needs something good in his life like that. I’ll be more mindful of sharing my care for him in the future so that there isn’t any opportunity for things to be misconstrued
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 You can say it’s wrong, I’m not disagreeing with that either way. It’s given me something to think about but I do disagree that I’m emotionally cheating, bc it’s not like that at all
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 My bf doesn’t care I’m friends with my ex, he knows we have always had a good coparenting relationship. My bf is not the jealous type and he knows I am basically obsessed with him lol
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @lilypeace12 I only brought up the dirt bike incident to show that he wasn’t taking family life very seriously and wasn’t home often bc he just wanted to do whatever he wanted while I stayed home with the kids. I didn’t have a social life anymore. There were other things going on too but I don’t...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @katrina2017 And I’m in such a good relationship. I’m so happy and having the best time of my life. I wish that he could have that too
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @katrina2017 Oh no I don’t feel that way about him. I’ve known him since I was 17, he may as well be my brother at this point lol
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @secondstoryempires I don’t think he’d care much tbh. Hes always trusted me and knows I am obsessed with him and that I don’t feel anything romantic for my ex. Hes not the jealous type at all
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    My son tells me he doesn’t want to see his dad anymore and idk what to do

    I strongly urge you to file for custody before you make any decisions. If he catches wind you’re going to try to limit his time with his child he very well may just keep him next time he has him and he’d be well within his rights bc nothing is in place
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @adriennelisa I can try! We got together when we were teens. We grew up to be such different people! He loves dirt bikes and guns and the country sort of life. I don’t dislike those things but I love EDM/dubstep music and festivals and traveling (he refuses to get on a plane) and I just have a...
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    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @suka Either I guess, bc one comes hand in hand with the other
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    My son tells me he doesn’t want to see his dad anymore and idk what to do

    @diamondmike First off, you absolutely need to file for custody. Literally just to protect yourself. Not that your ex would ever do this, but without a court order he could literally just take your son and run. Take this to the courts. Record everything. Get a court appointed child advocate for...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @boy243 I actually have a book series in my head about my life. It’s been a wild ride lol
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @boy243 It’s called “The trouble with” and there’s three parts. The trouble with love, the trouble with family, the trouble with friends.
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    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @suka Yah but how do you back out of it? How do you just stop?
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @adriennelisa If it helps, we broke up after our second son. I was a stay at home mom and he worked a pretty demanding job. I’ve always been understanding about how hard he worked. On weekends he would ask to go ride dirt bikes, id stay home with the kids. As I always did. I found out once he...
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    I’m THIS close to giving up on coparenting

    @megbot How do you give up? Do you stop being your child’s parent? Do you off the parent? How does that work😅
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    @luckycharmwa Thank you for your thoughtful response! My boyfriend doesn’t know I’ve said this, and I guess that’s what led me to make the post. I considered maybe it’s inappropriate. I don’t think my bf would even care honestly, especially knowing me he knows I am big on telling people you love...
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    Is it weird that my ex and I say “love you” to each other?

    We have two sons together and have been coparenting for 8 years. We got together as teenagers and were together for 8 years. We married, had babies, the whole bit. We just didn’t workout in the end. We’ve always been close but his last girlfriend changed that. They were a mess. They were...