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    2.5 weeks away from Maternity Leave, after which I will not be returning to the workforce. How did you turn your work brain off?

    @captainrogers20 Oh I totally agree and had my dream job (3d games artist)... no one wishes they spent more time in the office in the long run.
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    How do people want more than one?? This is a rant/vent

    @alexd97 I think a lot of them are just aiming to have the number in their head from pre-children and don't think about it too rationally. One of my friends said they never thought that deeply about having their 1st so why would they for the 2nd. They have a 'it will all work out' mentality and...
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    I really don’t know how people cope with even one baby

    @ccmoldiefan It generally gets easier. It is still a lot of work but less. They only take 1 nap a day so your life is no longer determined by a nap schedual. Stopping bottles meant less cleaning bottles constantly. And if you stop breastfeeding it becomes a lot less tiring on your body plus...