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  1. G

    1 month, wishing you could go back and not have a baby, postpartum thought or worse?

    @yuliia I was in the same situation! I had bad PPD and my son was very colicky and we did not get much sleep. The way the hormones are out of whack does not help. I had the same thoughts of “what the hell did I do?” “My life isn’t going to ever be the same”. What helped was time and my husband...
  2. G

    I can’t do this

    @beccabehappy There might be a cheaper one out there but this is the one I got. It was adjustable on both sides I would just make one side a little higher than the other. ANGELBLISS Baby Bassinet Bedside Crib with Storage Basket and Wheels, Easy Folding Bed Side Sleeper Adjustable Height...
  3. G

    I can’t do this

    @kattty222i You sound like me with my first. I would hold him all night long because the minute he laid flat he would wake up. I remember having a mental breakdown almost every night from it. I found out he had bad reflux and just couldn’t lay flat. As long as his head was at least slightly...