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  1. E

    SOS - Save Our Supply

    @cigartigher Agree. Sounds like your supply regulated!!
  2. E

    My baby doesn't want to take a bottle

    @lea1373 There’s the whole list of things to try: Different brands. Different nipple shapes. Different nipple flows. Cold milk. Warm milk. Fresh milk. Frozen and thawed milk. Spoon feed. Syringe feed. Formula. Sippy cup. Open cup. With mom gone from the home. Wearing a used shirt from mom that...
  3. E

    Can I take a night off from EBF once a week?

    @alwaysfaithful18 For me that would have been one night feed, one night might not have affected my supply much. If it was multiple feeds I wouldn’t recommend. If you skip more than one feed to sleep you’re going to wake up very uncomfortable. Even one feed might make you more uncomfortable...
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    Cracked and bleeding

    @darw YES. Lanolin after every feed! Breast pads to prevent too frequent washing of the nursing bra due to lanolin.
  5. E

    Babywearing questioned by total stranger at Costco, said he was a “former physician”

    @ktonline To me it’s “old man retired doctor” vibes. Worked 80 hours a week while his wife raised the kids, but he read the medical journals so he knew how to take care of his kids better. Cut back to 50 hours when he turned 60 so he could attend the grandkid’s Christmas program at school but...