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  1. C

    I don’t want parenting advice from someone who doesn’t put their 2 year old in a car seat

    @feedfaithdoubtsstarve I went to Nicaragua a couple years ago (my son was 2 at the time)... No carseats to be found. It was terrifying. Also, little kids hanging on motorcycles. The motorcycle thing is also common in China. I mean, I guess you just do whatever you're used to. When I was a kid...
  2. C

    I don’t want parenting advice from someone who doesn’t put their 2 year old in a car seat

    @cjmyers Wow. In California you must be in a restraint (booster seat at the end) until you're 8 years old.
  3. C

    I don’t want parenting advice from someone who doesn’t put their 2 year old in a car seat

    @writeletters15 I'm pretty sure every 1st world country has this same law.