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    Is it normal for a multilingual child to learn to read slower?

    @tomorrow I think Chinese is quite unlike many other languages in that one really needs at least a few years of education to be able to read and write. The ABCs can be learned quite quickly by comparison. French orthography (the way things are spelled) is also much more intuitive than even...
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    Will I be ok?

    @eric2015 I’m probably going to jinx myself by saying this but my baby is 8 months and sleep got much better in the past few weeks already. She used to wake up every hour or two and need to be latched constantly, these few weeks she turns on her belly when she’s done nursing and sleeps like that...
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    Now that it is a bit colder I am always confused how to dress the babies

    @jeaninmt You can buy jackets/coats for baby btw, a bit of a hassle to put them on (as with many kinds of baby clothes) but I always put a little coat/sweater of some sort on my baby when it’s colder outside. About 10-15 C around here.
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    Cosleeping moms... when did you ditch the C-sleep position?

    @rocknroll15 Try a candy cane/J shaped pillow. I got one from Medcline and it works great.
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    I Feel like My Family Needs More Structure and I am Terribly Burnt-out

    @psalmofmercy I understand the suburb and car situation but is there any way you can get out more? Ideas— library, playground/rec center, soft play/indoor playground, public pool/baby swim class, outdoor playground, la leche league meeting, mom group (look on Facebook for your town or area), or...