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    Things you did to prepare for pre-k

    @theokritos Know how to open any food containers or packages you’ll be giving them!
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    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    @simondarok Last night we were at a -27°F or -32°C. Frostbite sets in on dry skin in 10 minutes. We literally can’t go outside.
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    In case anyone needs it: this is the official permission post for parents living in places with sub-freezing weather to relax on screen time and food

    If there’s anyone who’s in the midwestern or eastern U.S., and it’s going to be dangerously cold all week, and you’re beating yourself up about creating wholesome, enriching experiences while you’re all trapped in the house: you can cut yourself some slack. It’s okay. Screens and junk food...
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    Lunch ideas needed!

    @streetlight String cheese can last a day or two unrefrigerated. Easy to pack in the morning and it’ll be fine by lunch still.
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    Podcasts for road trip with 8-10 y/o kids?

    @ann3 Lateral is relatively mature for an 8 year old. There’s some inappropriate jokes (sex, drugs) per episode, but they also talk about things like British politics, waiting at the DMV, office jobs. I don’t know if an 8 year old could hang onto it. OP, try giving a few episodes a listen and...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    Oh, another thing! We’re doing cloth diapers and decided to start off with a cloth diapering laundry service for the first 2 month at least. Our service company easily allows parents to add donations to the diaper service to multi-business registries. We didn’t do that in time, so we just...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @moontan13 Yep! I can be a pretty picky eater and don’t enjoy most freezer-friendly meals that people bring after babies or medical events. My husband will be off work and my mom will be with us for at least a week, then visiting often. I have a few friends I’ve talked to who know my preferred...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    Oh, we also added this to our “guidelines for visiting Baby.” (Which, btw, it’s a “thing,” these days to write out and share guidelines for visiting baby. I don’t agree that sharing visiting guidelines is absolutely necessary; we’re choosing to because we have a few non-standard requests for...
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    Baby registry vs. sustainability

    @brineheart Here’s the note we added to our shower invitations: “If your family has already enjoyed any of these items and you’re ready to part with them, we are happy to receive your gently-used, clean, and safe hand-me-downs. Please contact friend’s email to have items removed from the...