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    Husband called me the c word and says I’m not being a wife

    @aelfex What is concerning to me about your post, aside from the glaring verbal and emotional abuse, is the brain fog you’re experiencing. This is a hallmark sign of emotional abuse. I would start making an exit plan bc these types of me don’t change. They get worse. Your husband is an ass.
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    Everyone blames my daughter’s behavior on extended breastfeeding and I’m f*ing sick of it

    @arrowzahns The AAP recommends that mothers breastfeed until AT LEAST 2! Don’t listen to the people telling you to stop nursing. I’m so fucking tired of this messaging that moms get. It’s rooted in the patriarchy and some post WW2 era BS medical advice that was created by old white men who never...
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @katrina2017 Thank you for these tips! I’m glad you’ve found a solution for your family. I’ll give hear a shot!
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @lucy Thanks for sharing. Now that I think of it, I haven’t slept in since before my 1 year old was born!
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @arrows Wow, that’s gotta be tough for him to be away so much but good on him for being fully present with your little one when he’s there.
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    @sergepb That sounds so nice! My husband plays well with my 3 yo but he’s clueless about the 1 year old and it’s so sad.
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    How much does your partner help with child rearing?

    Even though I don’t have a job and am a SAHM to a 1 year old and 3 year old, I get frustrated and down when I think of all the things I wish my husband would be more willing to do. Not sure if my thoughts are unreasonable so feel free to tell me what you think. I’m the only one who feeds my 12...
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    SAHP - what is your child duty split during off-hours?

    @freeinchrist1611 This is not fair in the least bit. So you don’t have any help, is what you’re pretty much saying. It’s so hard to find a balance between partners, and no one has it perfectly (at least I think!) but there should be discussions around expectations and what’s fair. What you...