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  1. J

    Frustrated. Time to vent

    @ahmed360 While I appreciate your input, it is giving up. Admitting defeat, we lost. We can’t feed her without 1 more risky medical intervention. It’s a failure of us, the hospital, and the medical establishment that we can’t fix this without punching a hole in the stomach of a child. This...
  2. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @austinmiles89 Thanks! Why on earth this sub downvotes people trying to avoid surgury is beyond me but I appreciate the support ❤️
  3. J

    Frustrated. Time to vent

    @fleurrobson Your love and compassion can be read with every word you wrote ❤️ In the 10 days we’ve moved through the stages of grief and are planning the GTube procedure when she is a little stronger on cannula. Thank you for responding even days later.
  4. J

    Frustrated. Time to vent

    @archhumanmichael Not losing hope for the child, losing hope in her not being subjected to another risky intubation due to our hospital abandoning us in our feeding journey.
  5. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @jwgu Appreciate the input🙏, OT is confident this isn’t a swallow issue, she’s put down a few huge bottles and OT thinks she can swallow fine. We thought it was a breathing stamina issue but it’s all turned sideways the last 2 days. ❤️
  6. J

    Frustrated. Time to vent

    So you all know me..if you don’t look at my post history we’ve been at this for 230ish days. Our LO is back on cannula after a bunch of cpap round and we are trying to start feeds again. After so many false starts I can’t help but be worried she’s never gonna get this. She was taking close to...
  7. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @lorien Schedule wise I’m not sure we can get down to just 1, but it will just be me and my wife.
  8. J

    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @joeestacy Whatever your max out of pocket is, that will be the bill.
  9. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @srcnfk The schedule will be brutal but we’re trying to work out a world where I can still work and we can both sleep some and she can still pump 😆 but I guess this is the home stretch.
  10. J

    My IUGR story so far…

    @mark730 Your story is almost exactly the same as ours. Growth scan at 18 weeks, short bones 27w before reverse flow came into the picture. 27w reverse flow showed up 27+1 we delivered. 23w she was measuring at 350g 27+1 she measured at 550g. We are still in the nicu 200+ days later...
  11. J

    NICU journey day 3

    @delisyn Hey 👋 sorry to welcome you to this terrible club but everyone here understands you completely. We are on day 155 of our 27+1 550g miracle. She’s 4500g now and finally moved down to nasal cannula and we are hopefully starting our exit. Honeymoon period just refers to when babies...
  12. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @srcnfk That is the plan today, a new bottle, and we’ve revoked the ability for the nurses to feed here because we don’t trust them. She haaaaaaaates dr browns. I’ll have to check out that book, I know abunch of people have found success with it. ❤️
  13. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @helentina We are thinking we may be heading toward a g tube, just trying to give it a last shot since she’s still very pro pacifier. But if the medical team is is no help we may just go that route to get discharged.
  14. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    @gloryriver Well they won’t let us discharge without figuring it out or getting a gTube, so one of the two things will happen. But I think what you are describing is why our hospital won’t send home with NG’s, as the feeding issues often keep hanging around. Thank you for the feedback ❤️
  15. J

    Feeding Aversion SOS

    Welp Reddit it happened. Our miracle little 550g baby now almost 13 pounds can breath but in 2 days of cue based feeding she now rejects bottles, all of them. We went from 30% bottles to 0% in 2 days. I can’t help but wonder if our nursing staff is just so used to baby’s hating bottles since...
  16. J

    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    @ryantheirish Keep your head up ❤️ this is the hardest thing we’ve ever done. I spend a lot of time of this sub reading them talking me off a ledge. And please mourn the part of your pregnancy you missed. It’s ok to be sad about not having that third trimester Take it 1 day at a time. 🙏
  17. J

    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    @ryantheirish Hey! First off, welcome to the club no one wants to join. You are 100% right it’s terrifying. We are on day 91 of our 550g 27+1 weeker who is now 2 days past her due date and is 2350g. Leaving the hospital when my wife was discharged without our daughter was the hardest thing...
  18. J

    I am going home after my C-section and am an emotional wreck having to leave them

    @hatuyen0404 +1 for taking care of your self and Ronald mc Donald house. Take advantage if you can. This is a mask on the airplane situation. Take care of yourself before the child. The NICU can handle it while you recover.
  19. J

    Any ballpark estimates on 8 week NICU bills?

    @joeestacy Out of pocket limit means your total cost. The most money that can leave your pocket. Your cost will be $6000.
  20. J

    Happy Mother’s Day!

    Hey 👋 As we got ready to head into the NICU this morning I was a little disappointed that my wife’s first Mother’s Day post delivery was still going to be in the NICU. I asked her if she was doing ok and she said yah it’s not ideal but our LO made me a mother regardless of where we celebrate...