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  1. L

    I’m stressing out and I don’t know how to fix/help my LO’s eating

    @vanguard227 Change the formula can be hard on a baby, but she still getting a good amount. If you’re really concerned, you could call the pediatricians office to have them do a weight check. For us it was just a drop in appointment with the nurse. You might feel better if you see that her...
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    Formula Feeding

    @emann Having guilty feelings is normal but not necessary. I EFF after 2 weeks. It was hard for a while but I’ve embraced the flexibility it’s given us and my little guy is thriving. Breastfeeding is portrayed as this miracle for everything. It has benefits but isn’t everyone’s path and I...
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    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @srjoanna Your baby feels safe and attached to you. Sometimes that is exhausting and it’s ok to feel that way. Kids are learning how to sleep on their own and changes can be so hard. It might have more to do with the crib switch than the cuddling and they r might just be looking for comfort bc...
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    4 month old only eats 2-2.5 oz at a time

    @comicbookcollege My LO has some reflux issues as well and tends to take smaller bottles at a time. We noticed that he struggles with sleeping on his back flat, has wet burps. He doesn’t spit up alot but gets a little bit of chubkie spit up in his mouth anytime he burps.
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    How to know baby is thriving with certain formula?

    @littlepebble When my little one was struggling, the pediatrician had us come in just for a weight check with the nurse. it was just a drop-in visit, didn’t need an appointment. You could ask about that until things settle. Bigger poops can be normal on formula. We had a week of 7 poops a day...