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  1. T

    “Cosleeping/bed-sharing creates dependent children”

    @jess75 True independence is born out of the faith that when a child needs their secure base, they will be there. Your pediatrician may know pediatrics but they very clearly do not know established developmental psychology. Young children learn to self regulate by coregulating. They learn to...
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    Hell is when your baby is peacefully asleep next to you but you’re wide awake because your husband is snoring

    @confusedbuthopeful My toddler is 18 months and basically entirely self sufficient in the bed at this point. It's definitely not how I would have let her sleep when she was smaller and it's really not very comfortable for me, but she's been sick and wanting to sleep with her head resting on my...
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    L-methylfolate vs. Folic acid

    @wifee Despite the suggestions of the US CDC that every pregnant person should take folic acid no matter what, there is evidence that suggests that women with MTHFR polymorphism are susceptible to an increased risk of fetal loss if taking folic acid, and all women are at an increased risk if...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @jaredbrown85 Ah, yeah, I can see how that would get uncomfortable quickly! I think SSCs can be comfortable, but each one tends to be most comfortable on a certain height/body weight distribution, and if you don't happen to be a match for that specific carrier, it can be pretty uncomfortable...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @jaredbrown85 My plan is a stretchy wrap on front and a ruck carry with a woven wrap on back. I'm still only 14 weeks pregnant now so we'll see how it actually works out 😅. I'm also considering hunting down a mehdai carrier, but a ruck isn't terribly difficult or time consuming so I'm not sure...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @crownfair I've sadly never loved a single SSC I've tried. There's nowhere local I could go to try a twingo and given my other experiences I don't trust I'd like it either. The convenience, speed, and ease sound great, but I've been spoiled by the comfort of wraps and everything else always...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @alexander7791 My anticipation of exactly that is why I haven't passed on my onbuhimo even though the best I can really say about it is that I don't hate it and sometimes it's faster (and convenient not to have to deal with keeping fabric off a dirty floor). I usually only reach for it when I go...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @puddintain Oh wow, I do like the look of that! One of the reasons I prefer wraps is I don't like padded straps, so this really might be a happy medium between convenience and comfort for me, I will seriously consider! Thank you!
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @puddintain Like this? It's interesting but looks like it might only work for tandem hip carries or the buckle would have to go on the hip which seems likely to be a bit uncomfortable. I'll look into it more though, thank you for the suggestion!
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    My child prefers the minority language - what do I do?

    @mike247 I live in Taiwan, and while I actually can't yet speak Chinese (taking classes), my husband is Taiwanese. His English grammar isn't at all perfect, but English is obviously our family language since I can't speak Chinese. I honestly don't worry about Chinese for the toddler at all. She...
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    Stick to OPOL or reinforce partners language?

    @thabang I'm an American living in Taiwan with my Taiwanese husband and even though his grammar is far from perfect in English, we do primarily English (the minority language) at home, not least of all because despite taking lessons my Chinese is terrible. My husband often will speak Chinese to...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @richgsr7 This is fantastic, thank you!!!
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @pitcharan Two onbuhimos would definitely be faster but my shoulders are crying just imagining that, there's no way I'd be able to wear that for more than 5-10 minutes, and I live a solid 20-30 minute metro ride from most places I would be going. I don't think I'm a ninja but I can do a FWCC in...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    @endspiel I don't wrap every single day, but definitely several times per week, and I enjoy experimenting but the baby tends to get annoyed about a lot of up and downs so I usually just try to do it well enough to get an idea of how comfortable it might be, and if it doesn't seem like even with...
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    Tandem wearing with two wraps

    I'm pregnant with my second and the babies will be 22 months apart. My oldest can walk but isn't the biggest fan of it most of the time yet at 15 months. I live somewhere with great public transportation and I don't drive in this country, and I don't even own a stroller and have no interest in...
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    Overeating if not bed sharing

    @mary7 I followed my baby's cues to feed her from day one because she's a human baby not a product manufactured on an assembly line that comes with a manual to follow. Counting ounces and worrying about an 8 month old eating "too much" does not sound beneficial to the baby.