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  1. K


    @louise1700 I’ll try that lately they are both teething so they want to be held most of the time. They are not big fans of napping.
  2. K


    @sweetdee You are blessed! If I can manage it I will see if I can get some one to come once a month
  3. K


    @jordana14 Thank you so much I am trying my best to give myself some grace
  4. K


    @nirajrana When my parents come back I will be so happy that I’ll be able to clean and organize
  5. K


    @nobadee He works and he does the laundry, takes care of our pupper, and holds one of the girls while I’m holding the other. Whenever he can knock out a few bottles he does. They do not like to nap at all. It’s a struggle but I just figured out that I can put them on our bed to have them nap...
  6. K


    When did y’all have time to clean? I have 6 month old twins and they don’t let me do anything. The most I can do is make myself and my partner something to eat that’s quick, wash their bottles, and load the dishwasher. I don’t have time to vacuum, dust, or clean the bathrooms. How did y’all do...