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  1. C

    Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

    @nazpastor Get your husband to do the laundry, and wash the sheets, and everything else you can’t get done due to the baby. It’s normal for the baby to want mostly you. Many dads don’t feel bonded until several months later or toddlerhood when kids are more easily engaged and don’t need Mama so...
  2. C

    Can anyone actually get baby in backpack position themselves??

    @outofplace_christian I put my girl in front and then move her to the back and put my arms in.
  3. C

    Limiting Screens

    @pecosheero If you remove screens, those behaviors he has about needing to be entertained and not playing alone or using toys will change. The screen use is the reason behind that. Three hours per day is way too much. Get rid of it completely, do a detox period with no screens and see his...
  4. C

    What chores do you get done while baby wearing?

    @wrshamblinjr Keeping her in a baby carrier isn’t much better than keeping her in the bouncy seat - she can’t move either way. She can be flat on the floor - free movement is best! I kept my baby on the floor unless she was really clingy then on my back while I was doing food prep and...