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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @billybillyblue it’s difficult for my husband to do so because theres that certain southern upbringing that you don’t disrespect elders or youll get an ass whooping
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @reborn12 middle name is after my husband’s grandfather who passed from covid, definitely wont be changing the middle name
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @janola i want to call my fil Richard, just because its nickname is very fitting :)
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @kcidskcussusej i will not be playing host, people who come visit will be expected to bring food or cook it themselves cause my ass will be on the couch holding my baby ill let fil still come and visit but the moment he ignores one of our preplanned boundaries in regards to the baby, im making...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @kcidskcussusej my husband doesn’t want to exclude anyone from being able to see the baby when he’s born due to it being unfair. i told him that there is no fair unfair with a newborn. its a huge life change and family can wait til we’re ready. also, i dont want to have to play host while...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @lawofderp i completely agree
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @kimmie55meds i said ill gladly do a sit down but husband believes it should be just between fil and i. i told my husband the moment fil starts “listening to respond” instead of actually “listening to listen” im leaving the sit down and going home. because this has happened before so im sure...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mysonsmysons trust me, i dont want him to visit 1. he wont respect boundaries 2. peak flu season so it’s already risky around a newborn baby 3. he will be in another country immediately before my due date which makes it even riskier cause he could pick up an illness etc and bring it to my baby...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @jonathanbewell I love the name August, was supposed to be giving birth today but God said that angel wasnt ready and blessed me with a baby coming this December. The nickname Auggie is adorable!!
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @p5group nah, nothing like that lol
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @isibhio hes quite stubborn which is fine cause im stubborn too but i dont think stubbornness should be a reason to be disrespectful towards another’s decisions.
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @tieutien what makes this all frustrating is that my husband picked the name, my husband always pictured himself having a son named Vincent and it took a bit to grow on me but I fell in love. fil should take it up with him, not me!
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @jennifer86 thank you ☺️
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @enpointe19 i completely agree..i have been nothing but kind to my fil. im the one who called fil to tell him about appts, im the one who sent fil pictures of the baby’s ultrasounds and face, im the one who asked fil about his life plans and showed interest in the things going on in his life...
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @amora see, vincent is a classic name and a good name, my fil’s worry about him being bullied is bs
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @mommybynoah thank you!
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @genixy thank you! one of fil’s suggestions is Miguel cause he wants to call him Miggy. He told me he will call this baby Blake instead of Vincent.
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @liz4him love this perspective and will definitely ask him cause my husband’s name beginning with a Q is less common than Vincent
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    Father in Law wants to change baby’s name so badly

    @g8rranger he should be grateful that the middle name is after my husband grandfather, fil’s dad. which was my suggestion. and thank you ☺️