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  1. C

    I’m scared of my husband going back to work on Monday

    @marialavender I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. This part is so rough right now but I promise it gets easier (I hated hearing that at the time but I promise it’s true - and looking back it is a short, short window in the grand scheme.) Is there any way your husband could still take a shift...
  2. C

    How do you live as an "aware" parent (i.e. mindful of toxins, clean products, etc) without going overboard?

    @timonrhoff Right!!! And the overboard thing is more like an overwhelmed thing, not like judging how far anyone goes but what I personally can handle. It is all so overwhelming!
  3. C

    How do you live as an "aware" parent (i.e. mindful of toxins, clean products, etc) without going overboard?

    It's hard to put into words I guess - but I want to move to a more conscious household as far as cleaners, bath products, etc. I start looking into making changes and then I just start to get overwhelmed. I am one year PP and when I was in the thick of it after my baby was born, I was deep into...