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    We f***ed up. Ruined sleep trained baby

    @dfgsdfgdfg really. imagine thinking cuddling has ruined your kid. i mean I hope the title is hyperbole but honestly...
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @danjor4jesus literally what profiles are for. They're public, not your private diary lol
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @coachlittlez23 I entertain as much as I have the energy for. Every wake window has her playing independently after her bottle, though, as long as she wants as I'm doing homework or folding laundry or just watching. I still interact with her vocally and stuff but l let her do her thing...
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @starman80 So many house tours 🤣
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    Pet Peeve On These Parenting Reddits..

    @jsphalford11 Digital books. I read on my phone. Beats doom scrolling social media. But yeah SOME kind of tip beyond a title Rex is helpful
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    I’m conflicted about Mother’s Day…

    @christ4life4ever That's what I'd do. But then again I'm not big on holidays have to be celebrated on the day, even though this one will also be my first one. I'd be fine with having Mother's day on another Sunday
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    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @gbohnet Mine rolled over when I stepped out for a quick minute to look at the solar eclipse! I came back in and was like um I'm fairly sure I didn't leave you on your stomach, miss! Lol
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    is it okay to take baby out now?

    @idiotonabike Of course. I kept mine cooped up but she ended up catching a cold anyway from my husband after he returned to work. So odds of getting sick are more likely from someone who lives with you, not randos several feet away from you. 😊