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  1. E

    I had to listen to my SiLs baby CIO over the holidays

    @kristyrh We had to listen to my BIL and SIL sleep train their son while we were on holiday too. Made me feel sick. He screamed himself to sleep all week and apparently it took a few weeks more at home. First I couldn't understand why they chose our holiday to do this (in a strange place as we...
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    $h!tting on other people's happiness

    @concretecamper If that is what you wrote then idk know why they lashed out. I'm only going off your description in the post where it was much closer to my description (worrying about how your kid (a perfect sleeper btw) would coexist with rambunctious kids). I was only judging it from what I read.
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    $h!tting on other people's happiness

    @concretecamper This is what the other parents read: my 7 month old is perfect and chilled. I'm worried about how several other very unchilled and rambunctious children might negatively impact my baby during our holiday. I mean I am not entirely surprised you got a negative reaction. If you...
  4. E

    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @opinionsareopinions They will eventually sleep. Never sleep trained and my 3 year old sleeps around 11 hours on her own every night. We read her books, she climbs in bed, we cuddle her and she holds one of our hands for 5 mins until she is asleep. It's really not as painful as my sleep training...
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    Breaking great-grandma’s heart for not letting baby CIO

    @bigskyguy76 This sounds like a medical issue rather than normal crying. My daughter was like this in the car and had horrendous reflux. I don't think it's ok to expect an infant to vomit acid repeatedly into their mouth just because relatives want to see them.