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  1. J

    My 14 year old wants 4 more facial piercings, bringing the total to 8

    @peacelovefaith88 My 14 yr old daughter got her head shaved all underneath and bluish/green hair. Also in 2 wks she is graduating IOP and getting her first of what I know will be many facial piercings, so no judgment at all from me. If anyone else judge send them a child support bill ;) I only...
  2. J

    Selfish teenager 15f

    @cal Teens are so rough. Mine got mental health issues and pulled the wont talk to therapist or take my meds. Okay then no phone, no allowance, only the basic needs like education, food, and a roof over your head. Voila they go to therapy they take their meds etc. all about reward/consequences
  3. J

    14 yo son called me a b***h

    @abovethewaves I am a very emotional person and raising 2 teens is rough. They can be vicious. I have to remind myself they dont mean it, its hormones, but I do set boundaries. I wont allow you to speak to me like that, when you remember your manners and respect come talk to me. That usually...