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    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @sunflower232 No, if your homeowners insurance or property tax goes up Your escrow goes up to cover it.
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    Maternity Leave- what would you do?

    @mbl92212 FMLA rule is actually federal. Happened to me and my husband (not teachers but both worked for a big company— think like we both worked for amazon or something)
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    1.5 hr Commute 1x a week

    @rcaper I doubt they can commit to that. I’ve had it committed too but then they get a new leader who wants different rhythms and it changes
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    Why I'm quitting

    @osvaldo Is this UnitedHealth group?
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    Maternity Leave- what would you do?

    @hopesone FMLA rule is actually federal. Happened to me and my husband (not teachers but both worked for a big company— think like we both worked for amazon or something)
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    How? 4, 5, 6 kids? Enlighten me please

    @despet93 We structured our lives to be able to afford this. We paid off all our debt before TTC. We gave up eating out, we drove cars from 1996, we lived in a tiny studio apartment. We didn’t buy new clothes and haircuts were great clips. We did this for 2 years and got debt free. We now have...
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    Day 2 as working mom. O. M. G

    @manishk012 I waited until my daughter was 7 months. She just started daycare Monday for two days a week and it was so much better dropping her off knowing we were both ready and she was excited to go and play and I was excited for a break vs. both of us being very sad.
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    To wait or not to wait...

    @zzareyan Exactly! You have no idea if it’ll hit you early, later or never and be mild or bad so I wouldn’t want to chance it esp. if it’s SO early you wouldn’t be telling anyone.
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    To wait or not to wait...

    @zzareyan My caution would be if OP tried now she’d be 6-8 weeks right around Christmas. 6 weeks is when fatigue and nausea hit me hard. I was vomiting 8 times a day and could hardly keep any food down. I was sleeping like 14 hours a day. 25% of women don’t get sick but 75% do. And I thought I’d...
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    To wait or not to wait...

    @silverthorne I will say hormones around ovulation are really strong. There is a hormonal reason you feel the urge now. Our bodies are designed to want us to procreate to carry on our species. I would stick to your date. I was someone who got really sick when I was 6 weeks pregnant until week...
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    My kids all have fevers and here’s what I’m fantasizing about today…

    @ennisdavis Sometimes I say “I had kids to be a grandma” lol
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    I don’t really have time to make this rant but I feel like I’m about to explode

    @eleader22 Boundaries! Leave the house. Good for you. Good for husband. Good for baby. Prep a bottle so you can nurse, leave, he can do a bottle, you come back in 4-6 hours. Do you have an office or a coworking space to go into? Boundaries at work. You don’t have to show coworkers everything...
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    When Mama has work from home deadlines, kiddo crying, what should Daddy do?

    @elvisrene10 F) daddy should step up because he’s a parent too, just one with different genitalia, but doesn’t make him any less responsible even if the child prefers you.
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    Lap swimming through pregnancy - 33 weeks

    @sot I’m not normally a swimmer but pools workouts have been great. It’s been nice to feel “weightless” for a bit (I’m 29 weeks).
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    ATTENTION! WorkingMoms Avatar Contest

    The mods have been discussing a new avatar for the subreddit. Currently it's the little reddit robot holding a laptop and a baby that's featured at the top of the subreddit and next to posts in this sub. We would love if the new logo/avatar came from our community, so we are holding a contest...