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  1. J

    Are sleepovers at Grandparents normal for children 1 - 2 years old

    @jackstack My son is 20 months old and still hasn’t spent the night away from us
  2. J

    Long term deployment w/o family: would you do it?

    @jwesley Not for me. Nope. Not until they’re out of the house.
  3. J

    How much expressed breast milk or formula (I’m feeding both) should I feed my 8.5 month old per 24 hours?

    @jingshenbianxi I fed my baby responsively, so I started with 4 oz and added if he was still hungry. Some days he’d drink upwards of 40 oz, some days he’d drink 24. It depended on how much solid food he ate, if he was teething, going through a sleep regression, etc.