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  1. J

    I’m so glad I stayed active

    @semune Don’t be too hard on yourself, your body is so hard at work every single day laying the foundations to create your baby!!! I was exhausted the first trimester too and didn’t really work out at all but my energy levels came back in the second and I was able to get back to it, hang in...
  2. J

    I’m so glad I stayed active

    @prita Mamastefit has great content! Not sure if they have anything on YouTube but their stuff on Instagram is great
  3. J

    I’m so glad I stayed active

    @prita My routine before and during pregnancy was the same, the only thing I changed was the weight I would do. I powerlift so my workouts consist a lot of squat, bench and deadlift. During pregnancy I decreased the weight I did to about 75% of the pre pregnancy weight. I kept everything the...
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    I’m so glad I stayed active

    @acgonzalez09 I didn’t work out at all first trimester due to fatigue, my energy levels came back around week 15 for me.
  5. J

    I’m so glad I stayed active

    @babyl I did the big three lifts squat, bench, and deadlift along with accessory work for the big lifts that mainly consisted of dumbbell work!
  6. J

    I’m so glad I stayed active

    I just wanted to share my birth story in hopes of helping out any expecting mamas out there that might be anxious or worried about working out during pregnancy. I delivered my baby girl 3.5 weeks ago via a non-complicated vaginal delivery with zero tearing. The worst part of labor were the...
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    3-6 months - What’s next?

    @benvi85 Yes what Rachel said, you can feel the teeth if you touch their gums. I felt them before I saw them when I was rubbing teething gel on her gums one day. She was also showing other signs of teething too (pulling at her ears, increase in temperature, refusing a bottle). It’s been a...
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    3-6 months - What’s next?

    @benvi85 If your baby is anything like ours, get ready for the terrors of teething at 6 months. Usually our girl is a great sleeper and will sleep 6:30pm-7:30am but in the last two weeks she has been waking up every 2-3 hours from teething pains and she usually goes right down after her last...