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  1. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    @nice19 Yes it did. My numbers were beautiful with my blighted ovum which is why it came at such a shock. I had zero symptoms that anything was wrong, not even a little bit of spotting or cramping or anything. When I asked my doctor what my odds were of having another one she told me that she...
  2. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    @nice19 If you just google it and put in how many weeks you are it tells you the chances of not miscarrying and somehow it helps ease your mind just seeing it written down. It’s always nice to have someone that’s going through it with you, I don’t know anyone this early along so it’s hard and...
  3. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    Have you looked at the miscarriage odds reassurer?
  4. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    Also on progesterone too, and I’ve had that thought. Something that helped me was seeing that progesterone won’t keep pregnancy tests from progressing/ HCG from rising. So if it’s an unhealthy pregnancy there will still be signs even if you’re not bleeding yet. And it sounds like you have all...
  5. N

    Feeling a sense of doom about this pregnancy

    @nice19 This is exactly how I feel at 4w5d. And I had a blighted ovum last pregnancy so I’m praying I don’t have one again (from what I understand back to back ones are pretty rare). I’ve had two losses and have been trying for 19 months so it’s hard to believe that it will actually happen😞