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  1. C

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @sunflower232 Struggle bus over here too. Both my partner and I make decent money (compared to what I grew up with), about $100k/year combined in a HCOL area with a 4yo and a 3mo, no pets. 4yo is going into kinder, but we’ll still have a $240/month after school care bill, plus $850/month for...
  2. C

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @rhunette Whew. I’m sure mine will get there unfortunately. Does your state also kinda turn a blind eye to back child support?
  3. C

    Are we the only ones struggling financially?

    @rhunette My ex also doesn’t believe child support is his responsibility and is $6000 behind. Also hasn’t even tried to see the child since November of last year.