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  1. K

    What’s your favorite formula?

    @conner74 My kids were on Similac Pro-Advance, Similac Advance, and now up & up premium advantage. We’ve liked all three! We’re mainly using the generic now because of cost, but our baby is doing great on it!
  2. K

    Your experiences formula feeding in public

    @eilightened No one has ever confronted me and I’ve fed 3 babies on bottles from birth. If someone does confront you, I would just say that your choices are what is best for your family, they have no say. Don’t let others bother you, and keep being awesome!
  3. K

    Please convince me that it’s okay to quit pumping

    @msl74pc Go to formula! I pumped with my first because he never latched (had to be in a NICU and I wasn’t with him his whole first day.) I ended up with really severe PP hemorrhaging from 7-10 weeks PP. Pumped through all of that, but I was already starting to space out my pumps. We knew he’d do...
  4. K

    Advice/Tips for switching to formula?

    @bkgray02 Start on the generic! We did that for only 1/3 kids and I wish I would’ve done it with our second as well. It would’ve saved us a lot more money! I was always afraid of switching what they had from birth in case they didn’t like the new one. My daughter got Similac in the hospital but...